Project Objective
In line with activities aimed at repositioning the Port of Bridgetown as a logistics hub, Barbados Port Inc (BPI) is advancing the development of a Container Freight Station (CFS) and Central Container Examination Facility (CCEF). This project aims to:
- Improve operational efficiency in the handling break bulk cargo
- Streamline delivery of breakbulk cargo to commercial and non-commercial customers & Full Container Loads directly to importers, following a risk-based inspection at the CCEF
- Consolidate break bulk operations into a single facility to obtain economies of scale
- Consolidate agency resources for inspection of Less than Container Loads (LCL) and Full Container Loads (FCL) cargo
- Reduce the average time to clear full imported containers
- Reduce operating costs with reduced overtime and travel expenses for regulatory agency officials, as well as reduced off site inspections
Project Description
The new Cargo Freight Station and Central Container Examination Facility will be constructed on the western perimeter of the port, adjacent to the existing Administration Buildings. This relocation of warehouse activity for both commercial and non-commercial cargo, will reduce congestion within the main port area, making way for expanded container laydown space and improved operational flow.
Project Scope
- Land Subdivision: BPI is subdividing land for industrial and warehouse use to support the construction of the new facilities.
- Facility Construction: The project involves:
- Amalgamation of Shed 2 and Shed 4 operations.
- Construction of a 60,000 sq ft complex for commercial and non-commercial warehouse space (CFS).
- Construction of a 30,000 sq ft complex for the Central Container Examination Facility (CCEF).
- Reduced Congestion: Relocating CFS operations will significantly reduce public transit within the port, improving traffic flow and safety.
- Enhanced Customer Experience: The new CFS will offer improved customer accessibility for goods retrieval and a more efficient delivery system.
- Streamlined Container Inspections: The CCEF will centralize container inspections (both LCL and FCL cargo) leading to increased efficiency, reduced operating costs, and enhanced security measures.
- Heightened Security: The CCEF will implement higher security scanning standards, ensuring the integrity of cargo.
- Improved Safety: The new facilities' location at the port's perimeter will remove the need for customers to traverse the port, creating a safer and more secure environment.

Venture: Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Start Date: TBD
Construction Duration: 24 months
Project Phases
- Phase 1: Prospectus Development
- Phase 2: Tender Processing
- Phase 3: Procurement and Construction
Status: Active